
Showing posts from July, 2019

NoteWorthy: He is ENOUGH!

Do you realize that Jesus was a human frame walking as a complete bible......there are no scriptures missing in Him.....He is the full word walking.....on the therefore anything that you call out He don't have to go get because He is already it......He can walk this Earth and answer everybody prayer at the same time......He can supply everybody need at the same time .....He is the complete manifestation of His word .....,which means that He is not a man that He should lie.....He is the manifested truth.......

NoteWorthy: Riding the Waves of Life!

Surfing is the art of riding what God has created #thewave ***************************************** When faced with the difficulties of life, people ask, “Where is God? Human experiences are truly painful, but as God’s past deeds of deliverance provided assurance, so now Christ’s victory provides even greater confidence. God’s power is more than sufficient to overcome what life throws at us.

NoteWorthy: Thankful for the Hard Things


A Note About Self Love:

A Note About Self Love: Personal Development is just as important as Professional Development................ ****************************** ******* I remember this growing up and drinking the coffee from the saucer with my Aunt Mamie......funny but this is how she love from her overflow...................... ..................... ****************************** ***** Somebody need the love that you have but in order for them to get it you need to fill your cup up and you need to be in overflow because you can’t love them from your got to always love them from your saucer because when you love them from your saucer you never ever run never love on an empty never those times when love is hurting because you haven’t given YOU everything that you need yet and you are trying to give other people what you still recognize that when you love from overflow that is one of the most responsible thing you can do and that the great

Notes About Transformation

Transformation comes from the process of transition. It is not who you are, it is who you become. Who you BECOME is a result of what you GO THROUGH. What you go through is a result of what you're committed to. When you're committed to great things, you will be TESTED with many things. The test may be a tease or temptation, but it is always designed to support your transition. Don't worry - commitment is what separates the butterfly from the caterpillar. The butterfly exists because it completes the transition. Finish what you started. Make the switch. Be who you are destined to be. Things are about to change. #betterLIFE

NoteWorthy: I AM WOMAN! I AM HERE!

Some of my worst moments in life have prepared me for greater. It is the pressing that brings forth the oil of gladness, joy, and fruitfulness beyond measure.    I consciously changed my way of thinking.... I chose what I leaned into. I leaned out and allowed many things to pass me by. All things are not meant for me to conquer. Nor do I allow those things to overtake me. During my toughest times,my resilience was brought to the surface. Tough times are hard times. Tough times are sad times. Tough times are lonely times. It is a period of reconnecting, rejuvenation, restoration,redefining, and refinement. I wouldn’t want to repeat those hard times but as I look back over my life. I’m so thankful for them and who I’ve become. Because of difficult times I’m now more sensitive to the world around me and what’s happening! My eyes are open and I can see things more clearly and hopefully learn the lesson that’s    hidden in troubled times. There’s ALWAYS a lesson!!!! I look at things much d

NoteWorthy: Soap box moment...

I know people are encouraged by quick social media quotes but as I've gotten older trials have been more complicated. More friends divorce, die, lose family members. Systemic oppression around the world, racism, division among people, and social classes, depression, suicide, addiction. I used to wander aimlessly looking for existential solutions for my inner pains. An array of distractions made me a type of floating raft in the ocean of life. Tossed by every wind and wave. But God......... The next season was embracing my faith and most of my faith journey was a speed boat. Gathering, doing, serving, racing, learning, and sharing, but I found that's the quickest way to run outta gas. There's just not always an answer to life's woes in a nice neat Facebook quote. It doesn't make you less spiritual it just makes you real. I'm learning now to be a sailboat. The work goes into putting up the sail and learning how to steer as the waves of life start rocking. I can&

NoteWorthy: The Essence of a Woman!

“The essence of being a woman is much more than just the beauty of her face and body. Every woman is distinct in her own way.  Each one of them has a different beauty, a noticeable personality, style, identity, dreams and the way of carrying themselves varies. But in spite of the differences, each one of them is essential. A real woman is capable of making her own decisions, she’s creditworthy and doesn't follow but she leads. The world is filled with incredible hidden figures. “She’s always about accomplishing goals and she never settles for anything less because she’s a woman. Women possess an inner magnetic force that pulls people into their space. It’s called inner beauty. Her inner beauty cast light on to the outer and it supersedes all things physical where true beauty will shine through for all to see. She would never allow her past to hold her future hostage. We all make mistakes. We all are still growing. We have not yet become anything. Be proud of yourself that you have