A Note About Self Love:

A Note About Self Love: Personal Development is just as important as Professional Development................

I remember this growing up and drinking the coffee from the saucer with my Aunt Mamie......funny but this is how she love from her overflow...........................................
Somebody need the love that you have but in order for them to get it you need to fill your cup up and you need to be in overflow because you can’t love them from your cup...you got to always love them from your saucer because when you love them from your saucer you never ever run out....you never love on an empty tank....love never hurts......in those times when love is hurting because you haven’t given YOU everything that you need yet and you are trying to give other people what you still need.......so recognize that when you love from overflow that is one of the most responsible thing you can do and that the greatest love that you can ever give the world is the demonstration of what loving you looks like because somewhere there is somebody that’s watching how you love yourself......they are looking at the way you love you! They are looking at your examples and the thousands of second chances that you’ve given yourself........so you see your demonstration of how madly in love you are with you ....helps others recognize how madly in love they get to be with themselves.................knowing that if you love yourself enough that all that extra will ooze over to someone else! When you allow your light to shine like that because you’ve fallen in love with you....your light radiates from a corner and brightens up someone’s else momentary darkness...then you’ve been a blessing to someone else!


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