
Showing posts from July, 2020

“Who do YOU say I am?”

 Notes of Inspiration: πŸ““πŸ–‹ “Who do you say I am?” **************************************** 13  When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” 14  They replied, “Some say John the Baptist;( B ) others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”( C ) 15  “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” ************************************ In the above text, we find Jesus going about His business doing what only He could. He continues to journey northward until He walks up on His disciple and ask them one of the most profound question in the Bible. Jesus put this question to his followers. Who do you say I am?” Jesus challenge the disciples to assess the true level of their faith. It is an affecting and very human moment. A moment in time, that Jesus was well aware of the buzz of conversation that His work of miracles were causing “I Am” is an important phrase throughout the B...

Finding the Joy in the Journey

Trouble don’t last always!!!! You have gone through a lot and you're still here! What don’t kill you, will definitely make you stronger for the journey. In spite of how you may feel at this time, this experience will not break you. Whatever happened to you does not own you or determine your future. It is an experience that you must choose to grow through and not allow it to shut your life down. Without a doubt.......this is easier said than done. But you have the ability to put this experience in your past, and not allow it to overwhelm your “now “or dictate how you are positioned in the world. Standstill  for a bit to get your head around where you are and resolve to handle the matter. You know, life is like a roller coaster. Sometimes you are up and sometimes you're down. Serve the world notice and let the naysayers know that you are a fighter and quitting isn’t in your DNA. You must trust that things will get better and they will. Knowing who you are is key to having what yo...

Into the Deep!

e Deep! There is an old saying, Give a  man  a  fish  and you feed him for a day;  teach a man to fish  and you feed him for a lifetime.   Mark 5:1-7, talks about a man name Simon who knows a lot about fishing. So we find Simon in a boat in SHALLOW waters. Here in these verses we find Simon fishing and fishing and fishing and fishing AND catching nothing. Finally, Simon decides to get out of the boat and wash his nets with hopes of doing better the next time he cast his net. You see all hope wasn’t gone because of the fact that he washes his net. He plans to go back out! I would have probably sold that! Even afar off, Jesus sees Simon and the other fisherman. It was a crowded shoreline but Jesus saw them. He sees you too. He’s aware of your struggles and situations. We all at some point or another has invested ourselves into a new job, child, marriage,or some kind of endeavor. And it seems to no end that we are not getting any retur...