Into the Deep!

e Deep!

There is an old saying, Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. 

 Mark 5:1-7, talks about a man name Simon who knows a lot about fishing. So we find Simon in a boat in SHALLOW waters. Here in these verses we find Simon fishing and fishing and fishing and fishing AND catching nothing. Finally, Simon decides to get out of the boat and wash his nets with hopes of doing better the next time he cast his net. You see all hope wasn’t gone because of the fact that he washes his net. He plans to go back out! I would have probably sold that!

Even afar off, Jesus sees Simon and the other fisherman. It was a crowded shoreline but Jesus saw them. He sees you too. He’s aware of your struggles and situations. We all at some point or another has invested ourselves into a new job, child, marriage,or some kind of endeavor. And it seems to no end that we are not getting any return on our investment. You’ve probably been giving everything that you have within you and still coming up with an empty hand. And it seems that you’re not yielding the benefit from the investment that you give. You’re giving it all that you have yet you’re not getting anything back from what you’re giving....that can be a little disappointing. 

God is so amazing because after  verse 2, the verse that Simon got out of the boat. In the very next verse, I read that Jesus stepped down into the same boat that Simon got out of. It’s just like Jesus to step down into our empty situations, circumstances, hopes, and seasons. Jesus is all knowing and he knew Simon would be out fishing all day and not catch one fish. He also know that He(Jesus) would need somewhere to stand to deliver the word of God to the people of God. You see if that boat was full of fish, he wouldn’t have any where to stand. If we always depend on our own strength ,degrees, money, influence, name, and reputation. We would never need Jesus to step down into our emptiness to give us only what He can. 

Day after day and time after time, we will find ourselves standing in the shallow waters of life because it’s safe, it’s what we know,and it’s familiar. As the story continues, Jesus told Simon to go out into the deep and drop your net. He did! 

Like Simon, Jesus is calling us out of the shallow and into the deep. You see the shallow water is for them and the deep waters are for you. A deeper relationship with Him. He is saying come out here with me in the same fruitless water that yielded nothing the time before. So, go to the deep place of faith with Him in the area where you have been casting your net and coming up empty handed. If you go,I believe that He’s setting you up right now and is planning a miracle for you. So much so that the nets will break and overflow with blessings!!!!


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