A Note on Stretching: Question....................................? Can it be possible for an answered prayer to be both a blessing and a curse? Or that it may be beneficial on one hand and a consequential burden on the other. I’ve prayed for somethings concerning my career. Needless to say, God has shown up like He do. I was looking for it to be one way........However, it was delivered in the most complexed way possible! After many years of walking with God, I should know by now that God don’t do simple. Well, my answered prayer is unfolding right before my eyes and I’m experiencing the process everyday! It is causing me to be stretched in ways that I couldn’t imagine. So much so that I began to question my craft as an educator. I had been doing some serious career evaluation and was ready to walk away from what I love. At some point, we all go through a period of transition or stretching, but few of us are lucky enough to go through the process spiritually aware and witnessing remn...