NoteWorthy: Remembering Your Reason Why?

As I sit and reflect on my first week back to school, I reminded myself WHY I do what I do! Why do I get out of bed Monday thru Friday? Why did I become an educator? I became an educator for reasons of the heart, to help others learn, and to make a positive impact in the lives of people. This year is a little different though because I’m being called to a different level of connectedness with my class this year. A bond that is going to govern how well they will thrive academically in my classroom. I am being charge to make a connection with my students not in my methods but in my heart. I was challenged to remember that my heart is what led me to teach. So, I am to join self, subject, and students into the same fabric that will create a capacity of connectedness within the classroom. I am charged to “Win their hearts”! 
Do you know your WHY?


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