
Showing posts from June, 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Today is a Good Day for a Good Day!

Today's Mantra: Matthew 6:34 NIV: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough of its own. Sometimes it's seems like we give too much energy to the unknown and because we do it steals our "today". We naturally tend to worry about the things that we have little or absolutely no control over. We spend countless hours worrying and putting life on hold because we are living in fear of failing. But what I have learned is it is ok ay to have failures because some of our biggest triumphs comes from the things we end up in and fear the most. Life's biggest lesson are birth from our failures. Also, our biggest opportunities are hidden within our failures, disappointments, and setbacks. So, my challenge to you and myself on today is to look at our failures through a different lens and see the opportunities and not the opposition that they each bring into our lives. Open up your spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear what

A Note About Her:

It is so easy to be critical of ourselves and magnify even the tiniest of errors that befalls us. It easy for us not to look like what we’re going through because we have to masked ourselves in order to show up for others. In essence, she look like she got life under control. Not realizing that there is the you that the world sees, holding it together,tending to flats,appointments and the lemons that life throws at you unexpectedly, and there is Her! The one actually shouldering it all. Don’t wait until it’s too late to take care of her. Her-care is very inexpensive and yet the return is of great value. So, take a drive, a longggg bath, or sit on a park bench and reflect on what Her needs are but take care of her and about her more often. Self-care is not a trend! It is survival! Breathe in. Exhale............To nurture yourself isn’t selfish....It is necessary! An empty pitcher can’t fill anyone’s cup!